21 June 2011

ISTE 2011

I don't know who the people of Philadelphia paid off, but it held the NSTA national conference last year, ISTE 2011 conference this year and I believe another national conference is next year (either AP or ASCD).  Last year I went to NSTA and it was absolutely AMAZING!  I loved being surrounded by so many great science ideas that I just tried to absorb as much as I could and make the appropriate changes in my classroom.

This weekend, ISTE 2011 begins.  I will be attending Monday-Wednesday and am thrilled.  I have been getting involved with a lot of social media discussions and this will be the opportunity for me to see so many more.  There are so many things I want to see and do in those three days, but I think I have narrowed my goals down to the following:

1.  See everything!  I know I will be absolutely overwhelmed, but I don't think I will have another chance like this and I need to do it all.  Thank goodness for the online program planner otherwise I would be running around like a crazy man even more than I will be.  On my tentative agenda, I will be learning how to be a tech-savvy administrator, discussing the flipped classroom, joining in an online blogging project, learning more about QR codes, and trying to better use podcasts in my class.

2.  Meet the elite!  I have only been on Twitter for educational purposes for about 9 months and there are so many people that I have developed a lot of respect for.  I need to meet them in person.  I don't know if I can do it, but I want them to know how much they have helped me grow.

3.  Get involved.  I feel like I am poised at the precipice of something great, but don't know how to get over the edge.  I want to get involved more with the people who are leading the reform charge and find out how I can help.  In reality, I just want to sit at the same lunch table as the cool kids and simply absorb.  Maybe once in a while I will throw out a useful comment, but mostly I want to feel included.

When this event is over, I know I will have so much to comment on.  I will try to tweet and make posts while at the conference and each night to discuss all the amazing things I have learned. 

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