12 May 2011

An unexpected benefit

I have been using the Flipped Classroom for several months now and I have found tons of positive aspects to it.
  • my students feel more relaxed in class as they are learning the material
  • the pace of learning is completely student driven.  If they want to work on chemistry they do; if they need to study for something else, they do that instead. (has been great for the students are are also taking AP Exams this week)
  • everything is done collaboratively.  None of my students are islands and they all seek out each other when they are struggling rather than always turning to me.
  • labs are more spread out so I can focus my attention on the few students performing the lab rather than managing an entire class at once.
  • more interaction with all of my students because I am not lecturing anymore.
These are things that most people who have done the flip have said.  But something happened recently that I didn't fully expect and it shows one of the other benefits of this design.  I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia on Monday and the doctor prescribed 2 days of rest, along with a host of antibiotics.  Unfortunately, my appointment was at 3:30 in the afternoon.  I had no sub plans for the next two days because I was fully planning on being in school when I left on Monday.  Now, most teachers panic in a situation like this because how are they going to continue instruction, give the students meaningful material AND keep pace with the curriculum so close to the end of the year?

The Flipped Classroom to the rescue!!  I came back after two days absence and not a minute has been lost in my class.  Students had been watching podcasts and completing work just as if I was in class.  The only exception was they were not able to ask questions while I was gone so I got bombarded at the beginning of class (why don't they ever use their email?!).  Learning takes place on the students' schedules not the teachers in the Flipped Classroom.  The fact that learning still took place when I wasn't there demonstrates on the focus has shifted in the room.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, truly and unexpected benefit. I have been flipping my classroom for this entire quarter and have enjoyed it. I haven't truly let go of the "we all do this experiment today" model because I keep wondering if this si appropriate to do for my 6th graders. I know ti is right in my heart, but are they mature enough to guide their own learning? Hmm...a blog post from me I'm sure is coming along those lines....


Moving Day

I want to thank everyone who has been reading this blog. It is time to get a more professional look to the site so this blog will be moving ...